Knowing the right plants to use in your setting is crucial. Everyone wants a successful Grapevine or Feijoa ‘just like the one Nan had up the line’ but in Wellington it’s not always possible. We are blessed with a beautiful city but as we all know, the weather can be merciless.

Don’t go and spend hundreds of dollars on plants that won’t work in your home, we can give you advice on what plants are best suited to your property and if you have any requests, we can give you an honest and professional opinion on whether they will work.

Plus we can be the ones that smash through rock or trudge through boggy areas to get your plants in, so you don’t have to! With clay soil, rocky banks, wind tunnels, sun traps and drought areas, picking and planting the right plants to optimise the serenity can be hard, so let us help you today.